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About Tallyman Bananas

Tallyman Bananas is owned and operated by Aaron Millar, based out of Ruakaka. Green thumbs and a sweet tooth paved way to a journey into the Tropical Fruit growing world. From propagation, to harvest to market, Tallyman Bananas can help with it all. Under the banner of Grow4unz Limited, Tallyman Bananas follows the same ethos... to help grow 4 u.

The Tallyman encourages farmers to use bananas to offset their carbon footprint and to help with effluent issues and to use as stock feed.
Once people eat a locally grown banana they find it hard to go back to the store bought varieties due to the simple fact that the taste is superior than anything imported. Locally grown fruit haven't been harvested early (so are more nutrient dense) and haven't been sprayed with various chemicals to stop and start ripening. These are reasons that inspire the Tallyman to encourage everyone to grow their own. Or do what you can and get the Tallyman to help with the rest.
The Tallyman recommends to grow multiple varieties at once to help ensure genetic diversity and help protect against any future diseases or infections. Lessons should be learned from the past.
Propagating from locally grown plant matter also helps ensure strength of plants as they are acclimatized and have had the benefit of growing up attached to a large mother supplying them with nutritional goodness.

Bananas are a great plant, a super food and New Zealanders deserve to eat locally grown, yummy bananas. That's what we are aiming to achieve. So if you have a bit of spare land, why not grow some bananas. You can be as hands on, or as hands off as you please. 1000 banana plants fit nicely on a hectare or 7 plants fill a banana circle.

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